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Entrevista a los autores del libro: Animales, Amor, Amistad / Interview with the authors of the book: Animals, Love, Friendship

April 14, 2018

Quiero sugerirles un libro muy especial, escrito por Lola Hernández y su hijo Eric. Las imágenes son todas hechas por Eric, que resultó ser un niño diferente y a través del amor, la paciencia y el arte; juntos, madre e hijo, realizaron este libro que estoy segura ayudará  a grandes y pequeños a entender y comunicarse con niños autistas. Acerca de: “Animales, amor, amistad”, converse con Lola y estoy segura que les encantará conocer todos los detalles que me dio.

I want to suggest a very special book, written by Lola Hernández and her son Eric. The images are all made by Eric, who turned out to be a different child and through love, patience and art; together, mother and son, made this book that I am sure will help large and small to understand and communicate with autistic children. About: "Animals, love, friendship", talk with Lola and I'm sure you'll love knowing all the details she gave me.

Entrevista con la escritora Cecilia Blanco, autora del libro: “¡MI FAMILIA ES DE OTRO MUNDO! / Interview with the writer Cecilia Blanco, author of the book: "MIFAMILIA IS FROM ANOTHER WORLD!"

October 10, 2018

Tú, papa o mama. ¿Alguna vez  sentiste cuando pequeño o adolescente, que tenias una familia que no era normal? ¿Qué a veces tu familia era  de otro mundo y por eso, no eras bien aceptado o creías que no lo eras? ¿Crees que eso le preocuparía a tu hijo?  ¿Qué es una familia normal, lo sabes tú?

You, dad or mom. Did you ever feel when you were a child or a teenager, that you had a family that was not normal? What sometimes your family was from another world and that's why you were not accepted or you thought you were not? Do you think that would worry your son? What is a normal family, do you know?

Una entrevista a Ximena Garcia, la autora de: PARA CUIDARTE MEJOR / An interview with Ximena Garcia, the author of: TO CARE YOU BETTER

March 17, 2018

Si eres madre o padre y andas buscando buenos libros para compartir con tu pequeño, quisiera sugerirte uno muy especial que me recomendaron unos amigos míos, Leopoldo Y Nitsy; a ellos les agradezco el haberme regalado esta historia maravillosa y también ponerme en contacto con su autora.

If you are a mother or father and you are looking for good books to share with your little one, I would like to suggest a very special one recommended to me by some friends of mine, Leopoldo and Nitsy; I thank them for having given me this wonderful story and also to get in touch with their author.

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